Penerimaan Proposal Penelitian Indonesia – Belanda

Welkom bij het NWO

NWO and the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) aim to finance collaborative research and strengthen scientific collaboration between the Netherlands and Indonesia. Consortia of research institutes and other organisations (both public and private) in the Netherlands and in Indonesia can apply for funding of joint research projects that focus on renewable energy.


Transitioning to new, sustainable energy sources, including renewable energy sources, is a topic that is high on the agenda in both The Netherlands and Indonesia. This Call aims to contribute to resilient societies with regards to renewable energy, and invites academic researchers to collaborate with public and private partners in formulating research questions and addressing the challenging key issues. This collaborative research is intended to work towards scientific knowledge and innovative solutions, to strengthen the resilience of societies. At the same time, RISTEKDIKTI and NWO aim to stimulate strong, sustainable research collaboration between their two countries.

Who can apply

Applications can be submitted by consortia consisting of the following:

  • A Dutch Principal Investigator, who will submit the application to NWO;
  • An Indonesian Principal Investigator from an Indonesian university able to receive funding from RISTEKDIKTI;
  • A societal partner, such as a local or municipal government or NGO, or a partner from industry.

Your consortium may include additional applicants, as well as multiple Indonesian work package managers. However, it must include the above applicants in order to be eligible.

For more information on the conditions with regards to who can apply, please see section 3.1 of the Call for Proposals. All consortium partners, as well as relevant stakeholders, are expected to be engaged in all phases of the project execution, from its inception to sharing the (emerging) results.

What to apply for

Consortia can apply for up to 700,000 euros at NWO. RISTEKDIKTI will make funds available for multiple work packages for every consortium, with a  maximum of 400,000,000 Ruppiah per year per workpackage. This depends on the research area of the work package, and is subject to assessment by a RISTEKDIKTI reviewer. The work package should be led by an Indonesian researcher. The work packages need to be integrated within the project, to create one large project.

Different costs can be reimbursed from the RISTEKDIKTI and NWO grants, as specified in the Call for Proposals. The NWO part of the budget is built up using the NWO-wide standardised building blocks, the so-called modules. In the proposal budget, applicants choose which combination of modules are needed to answer the research question and how often each module will be deployed.

When to apply

All applications must be preceded by a Letter of Intent. This Letter of Intent must be submitted by 3 September 2019, 14:00 CE(S)T, to NWO and RISTEKDIKTI will not perform an eligibility check on this letter; however, the Letter may be used to find external reviewers, and NWO and RISTEKDIKTI may give feedback on your letter if, for instance, one of the mandatory consortium partners is missing.

The deadline for full application is September 17 2019, 14:00 CE(S)T. Applications must be submitted to  NWO by the Dutch Principal Investigator. Applications submitted late or not preceded by a Letter of Intent, will not be included in the assessment procedure.



Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Quality of the research proposal
  2. Quality of the consortium
  3. Potential scientific and/or societal breakthrough

The criteria carry equal weight and each count for one-third of the final assessment. For the further breakdown of the criteria, please see section 4.2 of the Call for Proposals.


The assessment procedure will be conducted via the Dutch application system, ISAAC. All correspondence regarding input during the assessment procedure will therefore be sent to the Dutch Principal Investigator.

After the application has been found eligible, it will be submitted to external experts (reviewers) for consultation. The reports submitted by these reviewers will be made available to the consortium, via the Dutch Principal Investigator, for response.

The application, reviewer reports, and the consortium’s response will then be submitted to an International Advisory Committee (IAC) for evaluation. NWO and RISTEKDIKTI will jointly compose the IAC, with experts on the subject of the Call. The IAC will assess all applications in competition, according to the criteria specified in the Call for Proposals, and formulate a funding advice. The NWO-WOTRO Steering Committee and the accredited officials at RISTEKDIKTI will take a provisional decision based on the advice of the IAC regarding the applications to be awarded. The decision is final when both organisations have reached the same decision.

Information source:

More information

In case of questions regarding what can be applied for from RISTEKDIKTI, please contact Mr Hali Aprimadya ( or Mr Adhi Indra Hermanu (



Author: Iing Mustain

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